Mason hamlin organ serial numbers
Mason hamlin organ serial numbers

mason hamlin organ serial numbers

Over the years, the name fell into disuse. In the early part of the 20th century, Wessell, Nickel & Gross (WNG) was a major supplier of actions to American piano manufacturers, including Mason & Hamlin. Internal parts for the verticals are made in Haverhill, then assembled in the company’s Sacramento factory, where it also installs PianoDisc systems. The 50″ model 50 vertical piano has also been reintroduced and redesigned, with longer keys for a more grand-like touch, and improved pedal leverage. The development of these three models was an especially interesting and costly project: in the process, the engineering staff resurrected the original design of each model, constructed new rim presses, standardized certain features, refined manufacturing processes, and modernized jigs, fixtures, templates, and machinery, improvements that afterward were applied to the company’s other models. Then, in fairly rapid succession, came the 6′ 4″ model AA, the 9′ 4″ model CC concert grand, and the 5′ 4″ model B. First came the 5′ 8″ model A and 7′ model BB, both of which had been manufactured by the previous owner.

mason hamlin organ serial numbers

Refinements have been made to the original scale designs and other core design features. Since acquiring the company, the Burgetts have brought back most of the piano models from the company’s golden Boston era (1881–1932) that originally made the company famous.

Mason hamlin organ serial numbers